Lunch From Michelle

Broadcast – Lunch From Michelle

Here’s comforting news for you moms and dads. First Lady Michelle Obama is fixing lunch for your kids! Her “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,” passed in 2010, requires whole grains be used to make pasta, biscuits and tortillas in school prepared meals. Kentucky students say the healthier fare, “Tastes like vomit.” Other kids have been tweeting photos from their cafeterias of their “less than appetizing” lunches with the hash tag “thanks michelle obama.”

School nutritionists call the standards “costly and restrictive.”The hard truth is when food service companies prepare whole grain meals, the result looks more like slop than spaghetti. Parents are upset and they’re demanding the right to decide what their kids eat.

I’ve griped about the unhealthy choices in my kids’ lunch room, but as parents we should have the right to deal with it locally, with our kid’s school, without any help from the White House.

Additional resource on this topic:

Congress eases First Lady’s school lunch guidelines

School lunch program heavily regulated by federal standards

As Students Head to School, Health Advocates Fight to Renew Federal Nutrition Standards