Playing the Race Card

His latest cause is to demand criminal charges against Tracie Hunter be dropped. The Ex-Hamilton County judge was convicted of illegally providing confidential documents to protect her brother from being fired from a county job and now she faces retrial on other felony charges.

Benghazi Committee

Normally, people lose their jobs for lying. Congressman Kevin McCarthy lost his for telling the truth.

Does Anyone Care About Baseball?

The Major League playoffs finally began last week. As a kid, I loved baseball. That was before the playoffs were expanded and the season stretched into November to make team owners richer.

Police Racism and Sexism

If you’re like me, you’d be shocked to learn that police officers in Cincinnati are being promoted based on their race or gender and not their performance. But the hard truth is that’s exactly what’s happening!

Right to Discriminate

If you want racial discrimination in local government, I’ve got the answer. It’s called a “Croson Study.” In this racket, taxpayers pay a million bucks to a “diversity consultant” who writes a report claiming “disparities” in the ability of minority-owned businesses to get city contracts.

Putin’s Speech

You may remember the picture of then Soviet Union Premier Nikita Khrushchev pounding his shoe on a table during a debate at the United Nations.

Forefeiture Injustice

A friend of mine had bank accounts and other property seized by federal agents and he was never charged with any crime. Forfeiture laws, traditionally used to fight drug trafficking, allow cops to take your car, cash, computers, any property, without proving you broke the law.

A Man Who Stood For Nothing

You shouldn’t dance on a man’s grave, but it’s hard not to in the case of John Boehner, the Cincinnatian who just resigned as House Speaker in Congress. The hard truth is Boehner stood for nothing.

Vietnam Deja Vu

The “light at the end of the tunnel” in Vietnam came from American generals who encouraged Presidents to keep sending our young men to die in that Asian wasteland.

More On The Chief

Last week on Powerful Truths, I made you aware of the “weighty” issue of Cincinnati’s police chief. All puns aside, it wasn’t my intention to offend Chief Eliot Isaac or any members of the Cincinnati Police Department. They do an outstanding job.