Liberal sand Conservative shave this in common: their policies are driving America to bankruptcy. Both groups bank on endless money – tax dollars stolen from future generations.
ISIS – Urban Terrorists
Instead of condemning the Islamist State for widespread violence, maybe we should consider the root causes of their brutality.
The war in Afghanistan is the longest in American history. It started 14 years ago, after 9/11. The war cost thousands of American lives. Taxpayers like you spent nearly $175,000 a minute funding this conflict.
Hillary Clinton
Anyone who’s been in public office knows Hillary Clinton isn’t telling the truth. She claims she used her personal email as Secretary of State because it was“convenient.”
Student Loans
A four-year education at U.C., U.K. or Ohio State costs as much as $120,000! Why have college costs gone up nearly 500% in 30 years? Because of government guaranteed loans.
Republican Primary Voters
You’d think being related to a guy who started a disastrous war– leading to the deaths of 4,000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqi civilians – wouldn’t help in an election.
President Obama just agreed to end mass collection of American’s phone records. Congress is overhauling the Patriot Act to limit wide spread sweeps of our phone, email and internet records.
Gold Standard
The“gold standard” means the U.S. agrees to exchange your dollars for a specific amount of gold. This “gold standard” prevented politicians from spending money they didn’t have.
Senator Rob Portman is a gracious man who helped me a lot in my career. In this town, just hinting that he isn’t the perfect leader is like criticizing the Castro brothers in Cuba.
Listener Feedback
I’ve been getting a lot of “hard truths” feedback! Some of my commentaries, like on the one on Obamacare, struck a chord. Paul writes, “where is it the church’s responsibility to provide healthcare? What bible verse? You are treading on some very thin spiritual ice, mr. Heimlich.”