One and Done

The National Basketball Association has a rule requiring players entering the draft to be 19 or older. They claim the age limit helps young athletes get a higher education.

Letter to Iran

Have you ever seen a group of kids gang up on a brainier classmate out on the playground? That’s what 47 Republican Senators did.

Tracie Hunter

You’ve heard the expression, “a cause worth fighting for”. Well here’s one not worth fighting for: Tracie Hunter! She’s the juvenile court judge convicted of illegally obtaining public documents to protect her brother’s courthouse job.

Pete Rose

Aren’t there enough hungry children and homeless widows to fight for? If so, why do we care whether Pete Rose gets in the baseball Hall of Fame?

Responsible Ohio

A good idea in the hands of the wrong people is worse than no idea at all. That sums up the proposal here by ten rich guys to legalize marijuana for their own financial gain.

Marriage Contracts

When you get right down to it, marriage is a contract where two people make a commitment to each other.

No Pain, No Gain

I take part in a fitness “Bootcamp”, lifting weights and running. I’m going through pain now, hoping that when I’m older I’ll be healthier for it.

Healthcare for Congress

Would you like to make sure every American gets health insurance? It’s simple – just require members of congress to obtain coverage on the open market, instead of the gold-plated benefits they get now.


If you believe in giving credit where credit is due, who deserves responsibility for the current war with the Islamist state? The answer is former president George w. Bush, along with dick Cheney and other enablers who led the U.S.

NSA & Privacy

You have a right to be free from government intrusion whether you are doing anything wrong or not.