Aid For College

If your kid needs financial aid for college, here’s some bad news. It’s called the “Free Application For Federal Student Aid” form. Developed by bureaucrats, it has 105 questions and 88 pages of instructions.

No Apologies

If you’re waiting for an apology from former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio or President Barack Obama for the recent killing of a sheriff’s deputy in Texas, don’t hold your breath.

My Kid’s Sports

Here’s my confession. I’m really into my children’s sports. When my son earns a belt in kickboxing or my daughter wins a tennis tournament, I’m in a great mood. It’s like that feeling when Stanford, my alma mater, beats Oregon in football.

Talking About God

During the first GOP debate, did you cringe when the candidates were asked about their belief in god? They fell over themselves talking about how much they loved Jesus. That would have been courageous if they had been captured by Isis, but on a stage in Cleveland?

Krugman Is Nuts

Krugman says the problem is there’s not enough government debt. You heard that right. He says our country needs to borrow even more!

Midnight Basketball

The hard truth is there have been 165 shootings and 50 homicides in Cincinnati this year. But don’t be too concerned, because we’ve got midnight basketball!

Illegal Aliens

If you ever have the chance, here’s a question I’d like you to ask each Presidential candidate. If you lived in poverty in Mexico, would you remain there or try and sneak across the border to the U.S.?”

College Football

With college football set to begin, I’ll bet you’re feeling conflicted. You can’t wait to see if the Buckeyes can repeat as National Champions or if Oregon can replace Marcus Mariota.

Jeb Bush’s Amnesia

There’s a saying, “If you can remember the 1960s, you weren’t really there.” Well, Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush apparently had some long “strange trips” from 2003 to 2008 because he can’t remember anything from those years!

Donald Trump

The best analysis I’ve heard about Donald Trump is that he seems “unrehearsed” – less “polished” than others running for President and people seem to like that.