It seemed like good news when Pope Francis ordered that Jozef Wesolowski be tried on charges he sexually abused children.
I Believe In Satan
This sounds weird, but I believe in Satan. I don’t agree with him. In fact, I’m a Christ follower. My point is he exists, kind of like my family and friends exist. In other words, Satan is real.
Race Hustling
Every town has its race baiters – guys who make race an issue where none exists! Their role model is Reverend Al Sharpton.
Blackwell & Policing
Cincinnati’s guru of soft policing is on the hot seat. People are not impressed with Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell’s three-dozen trips to boast about the “collaborative agreement” forced on our police force a decade ago.
No Contest
Do you like watching a football game when one team leads by five touchdowns? If not, you won’t find Congressional elections very exciting.
Iraqi Army Failure
That joke about having tanks with four gears – three in reverse and one forward – in case the enemy attacks from the rear – applies painfully to the Iraqi army.
Pattern of Abuse
There’s a troubling scenario I witnessed during the Cincinnati riots in 2001. A criminal suspect is shot by police. That’s followed by a rampage of looting and violence.
Unions v. Taxpayers
It’s been 14 years since my term on Cincinnati City Council and some things never change. I’m talking about the fight between protecting taxpayers versus caving into organized labor. Take it from me;the taxpayers get hosed every time.
True Conservatives
We’re told conservatives believe in limited government and lower spending. But when it comes to national security, they don’t “walk the talk.” It seems there’s no weapons system or government spying operation these guys won’t support.
Shooting The Messenger
“Shooting The Messenger,” means lashing out at the bearer of bad news. We saw this when Police Captain Maris Herold said violent crime in Cincinnati is so out of control, cops are trying to send criminals to Northern Kentucky!