Fair Housing

One of the phoniest terms in the liberal lexicon is “fair housing.” It used to mean prohibiting discrimination by race in renting or selling housing.

Greek Debt Crisis

Did you ever run up so much credit card debt that you could only pay off the minimum each month? Did you borrow more money just to make the minimum payment? And finally you couldn’t even pay that?

Knee Jerk Republicans

In foreign affairs, politicians used to put their partisan responses on the shelf and act in the best interest of the country. Not today.

Huggins’ Legacy

Years ago when former basketball coach Bob Huggins was honored at Fifth Third Arena, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. He was hailed as UC’s winningest coach with 399 wins, ten league titles and 16 postseason appearances.

Post Office

How does a company that lost $5.3 billion in 2014 stay in business? Simple! The government, meaning you, gives it a monopoly and subsidies worth almost 20 billion a year.

Trying Old Nazis

Perhaps you’ve read about 94 year-old former SS soldier, Oskar Groning – just convicted in Germany for complicity in 300,000 murders committed at Auschwitz.

Where’s the Protest?

On July 4, at 11:00pm, Christopher McKnight was brutally beaten on Cincinnati’s Fountain Square by criminals of a different race. He suffered a broken nose and concussion.

Pass Throughs and Fronts

Here’s something you didn’t know. One of the leading scams in government is known as “economic inclusion.” That’s a fancy name for hiring based on race or gender, instead of competence.

Portman’s Mailer

In my political career I sent out glossy mailers like the one you may have received from Senator Rob Portman. Mine also contained “red meat” for the base, poll-tested sound bites and misleading clichés.

Anti-Violence March

Recently, two people were shot within blocks of an anti-violence march in Over-The-Rhine. I remember events like this from my city council days.