Parents are afraid they can’t afford their kid’s college education. The hard truth is politicians play to that fear, rarely offering any real solutions. Like Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s phony proposal to refinance student loans at lower rates.
Football Loyalties
Here’s what the owner of an NFL team said about the Chargers, Raiders and Rams trying to move to Los Angeles, “To be a part of sports, you’ve got to respect the past, but you’ve got to recognize that all that counts is tomorrow.”
Marijuana Monopolies
You’ve heard about responsible Ohio, the ballot initiative to give 10 rich guys a monopoly over marijuana production.
Talking About God
During the first GOP debate, did you cringe when the candidates were asked about their belief in god? They fell over themselves talking about how much they loved Jesus. That would have been courageous if they had been captured by Isis, but on a stage in Cleveland? Those guys were just pandering to the Republican base.
Radical Middle
Have you ever searched for a phrase that defines your political philosophy? Mine came in a sermon by Rob King, pastor of the Vineyard Church in Cincinnati.
Better In Death
Have you ever been to a funeral, listened to a description of the departed and wondered if they were talking about the right guy? That’s how I felt reading about Sam Dubose. He’s the guy that was killed by the former U.C. cop.
What Are They Protesting
Are you asking the same question I am about what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri? What are these guys protesting? During the legitimate Civil Rights movement in the 60’s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers had specific demands.
Iran Deal
Do you know anyone who was killed in the Iraq war? Perhaps someone close to you was disabled or severely wounded. I met a guy whose entire body was sprayed with shrapnel.
My Daughter
I cried this week. I hate to admit it, but I did. My daughter, who’s not even 10, went away for a week. She’s spending the time on a lake with her friend’s family.
What Would MLK Say?
The movie Selma provides a remarkable picture of the “power of nonviolence.” It demonstrates how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived out the biblical command to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”