Football TV Time Outs

Who wants to sit through constant TV time outs? Years ago, I don’t remember 20 commercial breaks per game.

What’s Happening on Campus?

When your football team is four and five, like the University of Missouri, you have to find other causes to get behind, like fighting imaginary racism.

Jeb Bush’s Amnesia

Jeb says Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is responsible for the rise of the Islamic State.

Authentic Hillary

Hillary Clinton has decided to be “real” because voters don’t seem to like her.

Phil talks GOP debate and Ohio Issue 3

With Election Day Tuesday, November 3, Phil Heimlich appeared on 700WLW’s Bill Cunningham Show October 29th to discuss the third Republican Debate and Ohio’s Issue 3, which would legalize marijuana in the state.

Thought Trump Was Bad

I’m sure you’ve been to parties where you didn’t fit in. That was my sense watching the recent Democratic Presidential debate. I felt out of place because the candidates were attacked for holding positions I deeply believe in.

Fight Isis

Policy arguments are usually put in terms of left or right, Republican or Democrat. Sometimes both sides are wrong. An example of this was the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, now seen as the greatest foreign policy mistake since Vietnam.

The Year’s Stupidest Law

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to honor the stupidest law passed in 2015. The winner is the new California “Racial Profiling Law.”